Proxmox admin notes
- Check if there are cloud-init datasource updates:
qm cloudinit pending <VM_ID>
- Update cloud-init datasource:
qm cloudinit update <VM_ID>
- Get the next proxmox VM ID:
pvesh get /cluster/nextid
- Get the list of PCI devices of a given Proxmox host:
pvesh get /nodes/{nodename}/hardware/pci --pci-class-blacklist ""
- Delete the EFI disk:
qm set <VM_ID> -delete efidisk0
Disable Secure Boot
Either enter the UEFI console and disable Secure Boot manually, or delete the
EFI disk, and recreate it without the pre-enrolled-keys=1
- Secure Boot prevents unsigned kernel modules from loading.
Example: Coral PCIe modules (
Expand disk, filesystem, and partition
On the Proxmox host:
- Resize the partition using the GUI (VM -> Hardware -> Select disk -> Disk action -> Resize disk). To get the max capacity, see the corresponding storage pool page in the Proxmox admin GUI.
On the VM:
Get the device ID:
sudo dmesg | grep capacity
Resize the partition:
sudo parted /dev/<DEVICE_ID>
# Get the partition ID
# Resize the partition
resizepart <PARTITION_ID> 100%
- Grow the filesystem:
sudo resize2fs /dev/<DEVICE_ID><PARTITION_ID>
For more information, see