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Container migration playbook

If you need to migrate containers and data between hosts, do the following:

  1. Set the configure_xxxxx variable for the target host to true to prepare the target host.
  2. Set the start_xxxxx variable for the target host to false because we don't want to start any services before copying data.
  3. Run Ansible. With the above configuration, it will prepare the target host without starting any service.
  4. Set the start_xxxxx variable for the source host to false to stop the service we're migrating.
  5. Run Ansible.
  6. Copy data from the source host to the target host. You can use scripts/ script to transfer data from one host to another.
  7. Remove the start_xxxxx from the target host configuration because it defaults to the configure_xxxxx value, which is set to true.
  8. If needed, update endpoint definitions in config/ansible/inventory/group_vars/all/main.yaml.
  9. Run Ansible.
  10. Verify that the container works in the target environment as expected.
  11. Remove the start_xxxxx variable from the source host configuration.
  12. Remove the configure_xxxxx variable from the source host configuration.
  13. Run Ansible. This will remove all the copied data from the source host.
  14. Commit the changes in the repository.

Data migration examples

These examples assume that the current working directory is the root of this repository.

To migrate one directory from one host to another:

scripts/ "" "/source/directory" "" "/destination"